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A powerful letter sent to me...

Below is letter I received from a current patient that put a huge smile on my face as it summarizes the WHY in why I love my work. I call it my work instead of my job as, for me, a job is a simple means to an end. A job may leave you uninspired and resentful day after day. This is the exact opposite of how I feel about the work that I do.

To say this a different way, being a parent takes work. It is long hours and no pay. It requires constant attention and the positive feedback at the time may amount to a small percentage to the amount of effort given. But being a parent is not a job. It is fulfilling and in the end (there is really no end), it fills your cup to overflowing.

Insert caveat.... I am a very happy momma and happy step momma. I know some of you have tremendous challenges in parenting and I feel you. I am simply speaking for myself and the majority of the parents I know.

This is not a post about having holistic health care, for that see posts in the history of this blog. This is the opportunity for me to share (with permission) a testimonial by a woman who was reluctant at best and terrified at worst to even start talking to me. As much a she thanks me abundantly each time we meet online, I remind her that in the end it was SHE who did the work. It was her choices that she changed and her ability to adapt to a new way of living her life. I Led her to fresher water, she did all the drinking.

So without further words by me, I give you this letter. Should you feel ready to make changes, I am here for you.

"A Tribute to the Knowledge and Wisdom of Marissa Farrell:

For the past 13 years, doctor visits for yearly or semi-yearly exams have gone from bad to worse. It began with a note from my doctor’s office to make an appointment immediately as my triglycerides had “sky-rocketed out of control”. At that point, I considered myself a healthy 60 year old working woman who was technically not even overweight (I have a slight build), had high energy all day, worked out maybe two times a week at a club, played golf all summer, and often walked all 18 holes. From there, I managed to add high cholesterol, borderline diabetes, and high blood pressure while maintaining my weight. I read Prevention Magazine, attempted to “eat healthy”, and even spent a year with a nutritionist all to no avail. My doctor and I attributed my high numbers to genetics from my father. In 2018, I started having major issues with urinary tract Infections having to take more and more stronger medication and was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. The following year I had 8 UTI’s which had led to bladder incontinence and ended up with a urologist and another year with the nutritionist. By June of 2021, I felt hopeless. After talking with a dear friend about these issues, he recommended that I call Ms. Farrell, a licensed massage therapist and holistic health practitioner with a specialty in herbalism and abdominal therapy.

Our first on-line meeting was August 4, 2021. I spent the entire hour crying and trying to explain how helpless and scared I was. From that very first meeting, I knew that she would be able to help me. Step-by-step, little-by-little, Marissa has guided my thinking, eating, drinking, and sleeping patterns to improve my deteriorating condition. She was always positive, professional, and unbelievably supportive as she carefully began to help me make the necessary changes.

Five and a half months later, every one of my lipid panel numbers is in the normal range! My total cholesterol dropped 82 pts., my triglycerides dropped 188 pts., my A1c dropped to 5.6 (out of the prediabetic range), and my kidney numbers have improved to the point that my doctor said I am no longer in stage 3 kidney decline! So, at 73, I have a “new lease on life”.

Marissa is continuing to monitor and guide me as I add vitamins and supplements to my daily routine. We are also working on pelvic control and improving bladder strength. She is a health practitioner with the special ability to be firm but kind and very caring. Marissa Farrell is a true blessing and a wealth of knowledge, and I will be forever grateful for all of her assistance."

P.B., Florida

Here's me at home with an online client... Icing my arm from my hours spent giving massage and

abdominal therapy.

Please everyone, take care and be well.



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