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A Message from Rosita Arvigo, creator of Abdominal Therapy (formerly Arvigo Therapy)

"I see you fear. Now stand aside. I have work to do.

Like everyone, I have certain fears that have held me back from personal progress over the years. My husband, Greg, who is a Certified Bach Flower Practitioner regularly supplies me with Bach Flower Remedies and one day we commented on how the flower essence Mimulus (for fear) is always in my formula.

"This time, let's try just Mimulus alone for 10 days and see what happens," he suggested. Well, after ten days of taking the drops four times daily,

I had this dream:

I am standing alone in a giant warehouse that suddenly is filled from floor to ceiling and wall to wall with a giant rat. Rats have always frightened me since childhood traumas. The rat has ugly whiskers, and an ugly tail. I am terrified and shaking in fear. I want so badly to run away. A voice in the dream says, "Now, Rosita, stand and face your fear." I do just that, and slowly the rat grows smaller and smaller until it is a mere tiny mouse that screeches and runs away from me!"

One Heart ~ One Love ~ One Purpose

- Rosita Arvigo


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