Yesterday I hosted a class on the healing benefits of Castor Oil. It was so great and we are doing it all over again tomorrow!
All details are below.
If you can’t make it in live, you can register and receive the recording.
Castor Oil is a highly effective and in expensive way to heal skin, scars, pain, and help move elements in the body.
I turn to it daily for myself and for my clients.
I hope you will join me.
Saturday, April 27th at 1pm EDT/12pm CDT
Spend an hour with Guest Speaker Marissa Farrell as she teaches us how she incorporates castor oil into her client’s overall health.
She will demonstrate how to apply packs, frequency, indications and contraindications. Marissa will offer plenty of time for all of your questions.
Janet Colson, IBCLC, will be joining us to answer questions specific to women’s breast health and castor oil use.
You can choose to join us on ZOOM or in the Flourish Classroom in Garden City, Kansas.
Once you register you will be sent the ZOOM link and a coupon code for 20% off any castor oil or packs that you wish to purchase, they are NOT part of the class fee.
Class Fee: $25 Check the time zones when you choose your class.
Marissa Farrell: Herbalist, Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, and Doula. She specializes in Abdominal Therapy and women’s health. Marissa will teach us how she incorporates castor oil into her client’s overall health. Learn more about Marissa at www.theinharasystem.com​
Janet Colson: IBCLC Lactation Consultant, Myofascial Therapist, Infant Massage Specialist and Herbalist. She will be joining to answer questions specific to women’s breast health, and castor oil use. Learn more about Janet at www.modernlactation.com
Erica Kuhlmeier: Massage Therapist, Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Owner of Flourish Herbals & Aromatherapy.
We look forward to exploring more Herbal Basics with you!