The Self-Health-Kit
Autumn is here and 2020's autumn comes heavy with additional health concerns.
Enter herbal Self Care.
Herbalism is the art of health and healing through plants and wisdom, which includes the trust that the human body seeks homeostasis and will heal itself when offered the right tools of support and not suppression.
Common OTC products suppress symptoms but do not relieve infections. Read the label, and you will see the phrase, "temporarily relieves symptoms of ...". This is not medicine, yet this is many times how we refer to it!
Herbal medicine is exactly that. It is the medicine the Earth provided us as we as humans grew along with it. There is an unfortunate lack of trust in the Western world in herbal healing. Whether the lack is from the concept that it wont work or the it could harm, the perception keeps most people from the opportunity to feel better fast and without side effects that are unwanted.
This brings me to the Self-Health-Kit and its contents.
Elderberry Elixir - The elderberry is one of the Earth's most potent antioxidant. This word is used a lot but largely not understood. Oxidation is a natural part of living in the world. Everything around us oxidizes - gets exposed to and reacts with O2 - this is normal. What is a concern, and becomes a problem, is when the oxidation goes out of balance with the other systems in the human body. Fast foods, highly processed foods, poor air quality, stress, 5G, dehydration, constant fatigue, and more causes rapid and constant oxidation in the body. Leaving you feeling tired, appearing aged, with poor digestion, disregulation of the endocrine system, and a lot more. The easiest and more effective way around this is the consumption of an antioxidant diet rich with colorful fruits and vegetable everyday. This elderberry elixir is a concentrated antioxidant that provides assistance to the body in this department. It has also been shown to disturb viral codes that try to usurp your RNA and insert an potential pathogen. The lower your oxidation/the lower your inflammation the higher the chance that your body will not break down with the virus.
2. Four Thieves Essential oil Blend - The four thieves referred to in the name of this product were 4 men who, during the Black Plague, used a 5 part oil blend all over themselves while they stole from the dead and the dying. They were so good at this that the authorities and hospitals took the formula from them (after they were caught) for their own protection. It is a safely blended oil that can be applied directly to the skin as a barrier to common pathogens including viral infections. My favorite way to use it is in my hands where I can regularly rub my hands together , releasing the volatile acids/scent, and breathing into my palms. You can diffuse it into a room, keep it on a handkerchief close to your nose, or put a few drops on a face mask. It smells of cinnamon and clove and is very comforting.
Respiratory Herbs for facial steaming - see blog post
A selection of teas for sleep and comfort when you arent feeling well
A handmade face mask by a small BWOC business, Janelle Designs, which includes a filter.
A recipe for Fire Cider
a many little goodies from me!
The kit is $150 for local, Metro-West Boston, customers and includes a single refill of the elixir or the oil. For friends requiring the shipping of the kit, I am charging $135 which includes the cost of shipping but not a refill.
Each kit has directions for the use of each product, is safe for children and the elderly.
To purchase, contact me and arrange to pay by Venmo Marissa-Farrell-4
Your's in Health, Marissa
