Harvard Medical School Names 11 Top Superfoods to Help Your Heart
Happy July all...
Here is a great excerpt from a newsletter I receive once a week, by TJ Robinson, on Mediterranean inspired foods, AKA delicious foods! I thought it was a great list to read through as I know most of you LOVE these natural sources of nutrition that are great for your body.
The heart is a super special organ, not just because it keeps us alive, but because the membrane walls are a unique tissue unlike most other areas of the body. Nourish the walls of your heart and each and every beat it makes will vibrate its love and strength throughout your body.
Please remind yourself that it is not all about food though. We've all had heart ache. We know what stress feels like surrounding the heart. These are not 'mental concepts'. The heart is full of intelligent cells listening and responding to you and your world. So beyond what you eat, consume nature, joy, laughter, silence, affection, and anything else you can to also nourish your heart.
Read through the list below and may you enjoy the week ahead. Reach out with any and all questions you have about your health.
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.”
— Hippocrates
Here for you, yours in Health,
"Heart disease is still the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. and also the leading cause of death worldwide. So it’s no wonder our nation’s best doctors and researchers are always on the lookout for foods that can help protect you against heart disease and maximize your odds of living a long and healthy life.
Based on extensive research, Harvard Medical School has published a report called “Defend Your Heart.” It identifies 11 superfoods rich in nutrients that, according to Harvard, “may help keep your arteries clear and your heartbeat stable.
Avocados: Rich in healthy monounsaturated fat, avocados phytonutrients compete with cholesterol for absorption in the digestive system, helping to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Beans: Hearty doses of protein, fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients.
Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and other berries are little powerhouses of polyphenols, thought to neutralize oxidized LDL, which forms plaque inside your arteries.
Dark Chocolate: A treat that most of us love … and apparently, so do our hearts. Dark chocolate features at least 70% cocoa, which is rich in flavanols, thought to lower blood pressure.
Nuts: Outstanding sources of fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, all of which protect heart health. Nuts also lower harmful LDL cholesterol, raise protective HDL cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
Oatmeal: Superb source of soluble fiber, which helps prevent the absorption of cholesterol. Steel-cut oats are better than rolled oats because they take longer to digest, making them less likely to trigger blood sugar spikes. (more info in previous post abut oatmeal)
Oranges: Good source of soluble fiber and vitamin C.
Quinoa: These South American grain-like seeds are packed with high protein, healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Salmon and Other Fatty Fish: Top sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which lower heart rate and blood pressure and keep blood vessels flexible. Fatty fish also help prevent deaths caused by irregular heartbeats.
Spinach, Kale, and Other Dark Leafy Greens: Bursting with vitamins, minerals, and fiber in a low-calorie package.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Extra-virgin olive oil is one of the key components of the Mediterranean diet, which has been widely touted for its heart-protecting effects. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, which helps lower harmful LDL cholesterol. Olive oil also seems to discourage blood from clotting too easily and helps smooth out blood sugar levels.
Finally, Harvard’s experts stress the importance of eating a wide variety of fresh, unprocessed foods. “It's really about the whole package—the combination of nutrients and micronutrients that occur together in different foods that improve the overall quality of your diet,” says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health."